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Didgeridoo Music & Sounds mixed and dubbed by Dubmaster Conte

Jack Azzarà is an international Didgeridoo player.

In April 2015 he released his first album The Woman The Maker The Master (available on Bandcamp)

as Jack Azzarà explains:

“At that time it was the first and perhaps (who really knows and who really cares?!) is still today the only Didgeridoos-Solo-Album ever made using and playing – only – didgeridoos longer more than 3 meters and with the fundamental-key below one or even two octave comparing to the commons frequencies-range of the most widespread didgeridoos.

Six years later, I was seeking something new about DUB-Music and I bumped into an extraordinary DUB Lover and Artist, Mr. Dubmaster Conte

We liked each other at first glance. We started slowly with the idea to create just the DUB Version of “Riding The Voice” the first track of the original album. But the outcome and the experience of working together was very great! So i decided to request him to dub the entire album!

Here you go “The Woman The Maker The Master In DUB“”

available now on all streaming services worldwide (iTunes, Spotify, Amazon Music, ….)


for requesting Dubmaster Conte’s Dub Services please visit : Dub Versions & Remixes



New Spotify Playlists compiled with Love by Dubmaster Conte

Check the new Spotify playlists compiled by Dubmaster Conte. Fine selections for Good Vibes and Musical Inspiration.

(new playlist added: A BEAUTIFUL DAY)

The first playlist is a selection of Dub cuts in a Sound System Stylee: Stepper, Rockers, Roots and more ..play the basses loud and enjoy the pure Vibe.

The second playlist is a “trippy” Trip Hop selection, compiled for relaxing and chillin’ while daydreaming.

The third playlist is a fine selection of the best Hip Hop tracks

The fourth playlist has got a Kumbia flavour

The fifth playlist with the best selection of Beats crafted by Dubmaster Conte


Last but not least the ultimate playlist for A BEAUTIFUL DAY to spend in beautiful places during special moments.


I hope you will enjoy the Sound and if you like don’t forget to follow…Good Listening.















Didgeridoo Album remixed by Entheogenic Sound Explorers & remastered by Dubmaster Conte

JACK AZZARA’ BEGINS The Didgeridoo album remastered by Dubmaster Conte & remixed by Entheogenic Sound Explorers

Jack Azzarà says:

“Every journey has a beginning.
My didgeridoo voyage begins in May 2002.
My first two didgeridoo compositions are Three Hearts One Beat (originally released in 2007) and Tongue Movements (originally released in 2010).
After a long time, during summer 2021, I listened them again.
In the wake of the huge work done with Dubmaster Conte for the DUB remix of “The Woman The Maker The Master” jackazzara.bandcamp.com/album/the-woman-the-maker-the-master-in-dub I asked myself whether I could do something similar with these two tunes. The answer is here!

In Jack Azzarà Begins, I present the original recordings remastered by DubMaster Conte.
Both tracks are still two didgeridoo-solo pieces. Neither new sounds nor effects have been added.
The album is completed by the precious presence of the two tracks remixed by Entheogenic Sound Explorers.
Three Hearts One Beat remix by ESE is an ambient and oneiric trip with the constant presence of the didgeridoo telling where you are or where you are not.
Tongue Movements remix by ESE is a psychedelic didgeridoo dance bullet suitable for every dancefloor across the world.”

the Album is available for streaming also on Spotify and other streaming services

for Remix and Remaster services by Dubmaster Conte and/or Entheogenic Sound Explorers please visit this page.

for Dub versions by Dubmaster Conte please visit this page.

available also Beat making service here.

Dubmaster Conte’s finest Beats on Bandcamp, Magnatune and all streaming services worldwide

Check out the new remastered versions of the finest Beats crafted by Dubmaster Conte in an old school stylee. For the first time the instrumentals from the Hinterland Milano Crew available in three Volumes, plus Volume 4 with previously unreleased Beats.

All Beats were produced and mixed between 2004 & 2008 and remastered at Magic Garden Studio in 2020 with a new vinyl and hardware technique.

Volume 1 (out now)

Volume 2  (out now)

Volume 3 (out now)

Volume 4 (release date 18th July 2021)

Available on Bandcamp for a high res audio files and also on YouTubeSpotifyiTunesApple MusicAmazon MusicDeezer (and all other streaming service worldwide)

Distributed also by Magnatune inc, California


Dubmaster Conte

“Path to Myth” the new Entheogenic Sound Explorers album

Following their 2015 release of “The Fifth Dimension”, Entheogenic Sound Explorers have now published a new album, called “Path to Myth” that carries on what the duo started in their previous works, by painting inner and emotional landscapes with the use of elements from nature, human art and meditation. However, it does so in a more detailed and precise manner than before, aimed at expressing a unique vibe and emotion for each song, thus weaving a common thread through this record.

The whole album is, in fact, a vibrating sonic path that guides to the more intimate and deep spheres of the unconscious, passing at times in tortuous ways in order to look beyond the darkness and beyond the light for something still undefined but consciously existing. It looks for something that goes beyond the conscious, in pursuit of myth.

ALBUM LINKS (click for Bandcamp, Spotify, iTunes, YouTube, Amazon Music and all other streaming services worldwide)

Good listening,

Entheogenic Sound Explorers


Entheogenic Sound Explorers official discography now available @ https://esesound.bandcamp.com

Please check the official Entheogenic Sound Explorers discography (with previously unreleased tracks, live concerts, original painted album covers and special prices) at:


the Entheogenic Sound Explorers music site is available with brand new artworks, painted covers, unreleased tracks and, of course, the unique Entheogenic Sound Explorers sound (…many surprises HERE)

Please support the Artists and the Music.

Good entheogenic and peaceful listening,

Entheogenic Sound Explorers


Liquid Rainbow features on “Isn’t It Too Dreamy?” A Twin Peaks Playlist Inspired By Audrey Horne

Liquid Rainbow track “White Lodge” from the album “The Acid Sessions Vol.III” features on “Isn’t It Too Dreamy?” A spotify Twin Peaks Playlist inspired By Audrey Horne on David Lynch’s blog Welcome to Twin Peaks

Check also the new version “White Lodge (reprise)” on:

Bandcamp for the best quality.


Apple Music

Amazon Music

..and all other stream service worlwide

Liquid Rainbow: The Violet EP

We need one more colour to end our quest; violet brings with it an energetic vibration that concludes our journey of discovery into the sounds coming from a kaleidoscope. This release is full of pure energy and power that make us remember that there’s no beginning and no end. On this EP, you will hear live versions of three of the band’s classic “rock” tunes.
We can see the entire kaleidoscope now and listen to its beautiful sound. Thank you for following us in this colourful musical journey. See you in the next musical Trip…

FRANK WIZARDD: Vocals & Lyrics, Backing vocals, Keyboards
DUBMASTER CONTE: Bass, Drum programming
ROBY B: Lead & Rhythm Guitar
Mixing and Mastering by Dubmaster Conte @ Magic Garden Studios

Available on Bandcamp for Hi-Res Audio files.

Streaming on Spotify – Amazon Music – iTunes & Apple Music  – YouTube and all the other streaming sites Worldwide

Good listening,

Liquid Rainbow